Abundant Hospitality: Plans and coordinates Wednesday night dinners at the church called Gathering4Good with guest speakers.
Foundation: Administration of memorial donations for church improvements or special projects as dictated by the legacy wishes of the donor.
Fellowship Committee: Plans and hosts fellowship events at the church – Red Hearts Tea, 4th of July BBQ, Western Stampede in October, and a Christmas party.
Mission Commission: Coordinators and volunteers for the missions efforts of Scottsdale UMC.
Parking Committee: Volunteers that park cars in March and April on the church campus for Baseball, Art Festival, and Culinary Festivals.
Sunday School Teachers: Working as a team, these volunteers provide snacks, a fun environment, crafts, games, and a Christian message for children during Sunday worship.
The Betweens: A quilters group that meets a couple times a month sewing and making quilts.
UMW (United Methodist Women): A faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders, and advocating for justice. Meeting 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Music Ministry
Choir: Practice on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.
Visit Us!
Scottsdale United Methodist Church
4140 N. Miller Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
(480) 946-5301